Monday, December 26, 2011

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Treatment of Constipation

!±8± Treatment of Constipation

People who tend to ignore their body signals over time have lost the ability to recognize when it's time to move their bowels. This is common in constipation. In this situation, it may help to go to the bathroom at the same time every day when a bowel movement is most likely to occur, usually about thirty minutes after breakfast or after a cup of caffeinated coffee (caffeine is a stimulant of the gastrointestinal tract). Remember, however, that caffeine is a Flag Food for heartburn - again what helps an gastrointestinal problem may exacerbate another. Nicotine, while a recognized stimulant of the intestines, is not recommended as a treatment for constipation.

When you attempt to "retrain" your bowel, remember to take your time. Your mother may have told you to "do your business" quickly and get off the toilet, possibly to avoid hemorrhoids but probably because most of us grew up in a house with one bathroom. Today, even small houses usually have at least two bathrooms, so take your time. If breakfast time finds you at work, any large meal will do for bowel retraining. When food enters your stomach, it encourages the colon to contract. This impulse is transmitted by nerves that innervate the colon; certain hormones may also be involved. Some people, especially those with inflammatory bowel disease, have an exaggerated gastrocolic reflex - soon after they eat, they have to run to the bathroom. In bowel retraining for constipation, the gastrocolic reflex works in your favor in moving your bowels.

Drugs may also be used to treat constipation. Scores of laxatives on the market can provide a quick fix to relieve constipation. They fall into several different categories according to their mechanism of action. Bulk laxatives add volume and fluid to the stool. Metamucil, Efferyllium and Perdiem are psyllium seed laxatives that add non-irritating bulk and promote normal elimination. FiberCon, which has a similar bulking action, contains the fiber calcium polycarbophil. You may notice an increase in wind (flatulence) and stomach bloating when you are taking fiber supplements. This is normal and tends to settle down after a few months after the gut becomes used to the increase in fiber. Stool softeners are not laxatives but contain surface-active ingredients that keep soft for easy, natural passage. Magnesium salts like Milk of Magnesia work by increasing the fluid of the gastrointestinal tract. Dolculax is a stimulant laxative that acts directly on the colon to make it contract. Miralax is a prescription drug that works very well for some constipated individuals. Zelnorm can be used to treat garden variety constipation not related to irritable bowel disease. Lactulose is another prescription drug to treat constipation.

In general, it is always best to try the gentlest agents first. Over time, harsh laxatives can damage the bowel and ultimately make you dependent on laxatives to move your bowel. For most people, it is recommended to start with a bulk laxative or stool softener and, if necessary, adding Milk of Magnesia. Only in very difficult cases would a stimulant laxative or prescription drug be the treatment of choice for constipation.

Treatment of Constipation

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How to use Metamucil for FAST Weight Loss for Women & Men

http;// We just put out a video showing you the advantages of using Metamucil fiber in our Saturday Morning Diet program. Metamucil® is different than clear-mixing fiber supplements, because it has psyllium fiber. We mixed both Metamucil and the leading clear-mixing fiber, containing wheat dextrin, with the recommended amounts of water. We then added cooking oil, dyed red, to both, to represent cholesterol. The psyllium fiber found in Metamucil gels and traps the oil like a sponge. The clear-mixing fiber does not. That's how Metamucil works in your body. As the psyllium fiber enters your stomach, it forms a gel that traps and helps gently remove waste and some cholesterol. Clear-mixing fibers, like wheat dextrin, don't work like this. Compare fibers today, and choose the fiber supplement that gels, traps, and helps remove—Metamucil. It's different because it gels. It's Metamucil.

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Thursday, December 15, 2011

Shakeology - What About Fiber? Q Is Shakeology a good source of fiber? A: Yeah it is actually. It has 3 g per 140 calories which makes it a good balance of fiber. But more importantly the fiber that is in Shakeology is varied. It comes from apple pectin, flax, Chia meal and Yacon. The cool thing about Yacon is it is one of the best prebiotic sources that is known to man. Q: What about if I wanted to add more fiber to Shakeology, is that ok? A: Yeah, definitely. There is actually a fiber supplement that you can buy. We use it and it is great. It is called Fiber Boost. Also, we have experimented with chocolate Shakeology. The Fiber Boost that Beachbody sells is great. It is good stuff. It is a nonflavor. It is very refined. It doesn't make it granular or anything like that, so it mixes well. We have also experimented with buying orange flavored Metamucil and putting that in the chocolate Shakeology, and that gives you like an orange chocolate flavor. You know like those little chocolate orange balls that you get for Christmas or those chocolate orange sticks. It tastes pretty good.

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Saturday, December 10, 2011

The Amazing: Show - Episode 6: The Gastroextraordinary Adventure!

Released 2/1/10. The sixth episode of The Amazing: Show. The guys decide to go on a colon-cleansing adventure by eating a handful of Fiber One bars and washing it down with Metamucil. Hilarity abounds at the sake of the guys' health. Also featuring some quickie karaoke, car rides, discussion times, and once again Tara tries to be amazing... and fails (Part 1 of a 2 part series). The Amazing: Show is a bi-weekly webshow. The next Show will be available 2/12/10.

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Thursday, December 8, 2011

Vitamin Absorption Into The Body

!±8± Vitamin Absorption Into The Body

Vitamin absorption is something that anyone taking supplements should pay special attention to.

Not only will it affect the usefulness of the vitamins being consumed, it will also result in either no benefits or many benefits.

As we have heard many times now, liquid vitamins claim there products are the best because people who take tablet form just excrete them. This is good marketing, and comes down to a little bit of hype; however, it is partly true.

Let's delve a little deeper in to some facts.

Many tablet vitamins are very cheap, mass produced and sold in supermarkets across the world. You've probably seen them time and time again. When you go shopping to your local store you will likely come across them in multivitamins etc. They are also made with the cheapest excipients - This is what puts the ingredients together, resulting in tablet form.

Because of this, the nutrients are mostly released in the stomach and destroyed by stomach acids.

In the case of these types of supplements, a large percentage will simply be wasted when you go to the toilet.

On the other hand however, some quality companies dedicated to optimising health use highly sophisticated supplements. Sometimes known as nutraceuticals. These companies will use very expensive all natural potent ingredients and excipients.

Some of these supplements have highly sophisticated delivery systems. This allows the nutrients to enter the blood stream for the most effective consumption.
The best delivery system for vitamin absorption and the other nutrients in the tablet is called enteric coating.

What makes this so effective?

Many powerful nutrients cannot be taken as supplements without being destroyed by the stomach acids; enteric coating protects the tablet and therefore the nutrients from being destroyed by stomach acids.

So it's not just about vitamin absorption, it's about all the nutrients you may take in a supplement. Especially the more sophisticated ones that have nutrients much more powerful and expensive than just vitamins. Vitamins tend to be weak antioxidants.

Liquid vitamins cannot be delivered in this way. To learn more about the supplement we personally use with excellent results, be sure to check out our site at the end of the article.

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Vitamin Absorption Into The Body

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Sunday, December 4, 2011

Why Drinking Sodas Interferes With Health and Increases Your Body Fat?

!±8± Why Drinking Sodas Interferes With Health and Increases Your Body Fat?

Water is a large part of human body: babies about 78%, one year old 65%, adult men about 60%, and adult women about 55%. Our lean muscles are about 75% water by weight, our bones are about 22% of water, and our body fat contains 10% of water. Even small changes in the amount of water in our body can make a difference in our health; therefore, the thirst mechanism in our brain, normally, signals the body to drink water when the body is dry.

We lose water daily, thus, we need to drink about 8-12 cups of fresh filtered water a day (each of 8 oz.) to replenish one lost through sweating (about two cups), breathing (two cups), urinating and bowel movement (six cups), and to keep all the body compartments with adequate amount of water. We lose even more water when we drink coffee and caffeine-containing soft drinks, alcohol, and when we exercise in a hot and dry weather.

Why Your Body Does Not Need Soft Drinks?

Besides of carbonated water, soft drinks contain ingredients that are not required for human body functions. They even interfere with these functions causing them fail over time, which manifests in obesity and diseases.

Let's take a look at the ingredients of the of a very popular Diet soft drink, as an example, as it is prepared in the US:

Carbonated water Aspartame (or Splenda) (but in regular sodas, high fructose corn syrup - HFCS - is used instead) Caramel color (E150d, most likely GM) Phosphoric acid Caffeine (46.5 mg. in a 12-oz can, but less caffeine, 34.5 mg., in a regular-coke can) Potassium benzoate (to protect taste) Natural flavors Citric acid

Guess how many sodas do we drink? - more than 450 pints, or 206 liters per person per year now according to the National Soft Drink Association (NSDA). Soft drink companies spend billions of dollars on advertising, also pursuing children through movies, cartoons, and, videos, playgrounds, toys, amusement parks, sweepstakes, clubs, plus radio, magazines, and the internet. As a result, soft-drink companies earned over billion in sales in 2008 in the US.

A typical soft drink addict is a twelve-year-old child whose drug is a soft drink from a vending machine in his school. Thousands of children like him are sent to attend special classes sponsored by their schools to be warned about the dangers of drugs, tobacco and alcohol. However, they are not warned about the other drug - the soft drinks.

Aspartame - a synthetic sweetener in soft drinks - is a potent neurotoxin (nerve poison) and endocrine disruptor connected to lymphoma and leukemia, as it was shown in a research in 2005. Aspartame is the main ingredient in sweeteners Equal and NutraSweet. The FDA approved aspartame for use almost 30 years ago, in 1981, and it is sold under different brand names such as NutraSweet, Equal Measure, and Spoonful. Aspartame can be found in over 6,000 products: sodas, juice drinks, flavored waters, iced teas, jams, chewing gum, diabetic food, Metamucil fiber supplement, Fiber One breakfast cereal, and even in chewable vitamins and over-the-counter prescriptions such as Alka Seltzer Plus and several Tylenol medications.

FDA has recorded numerous consumers' reports on migraine headaches and dizziness, insomnia, joint pain, memory loss, hives, rash, abdominal cramping, hallucinations, seizures, and even deaths related to aspartame consumption. Over 900 studies have been published on aspartame. In 1998, a study showed that dietary aspartame bounds to protein in body cells, and it was found in liver, kidney, and blood. It accumulates over time without being excreted, causing more damage and hazard by contributing to formaldehyde-compounds formation. In human body, aspartame breaks down into formaldehyde that is a known cause of birth defects and allergies. It was also listed by the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) as a probable human carcinogen in 1987 causing both lymphoma and leukemia in lab rats and in humans.

In May of 2009, an article shared a study in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute investigating the association between formaldehyde and lymph cancer. It was noticed when cancer cells are exposed to aspartame they became more mobile. The original studies done by the G.D. Searle company also pointed out that lymphomas and primary brain tumors as well as tumors of multiple organs were related to aspartame. All of this signifies that aspartame is a powerful carcinogenic substance.

Many of the common yet shocking symptoms associated with aspartame according to FDA's records include:

Tumors Eye problems such as protruding eyes, retinal detachment, blindness, and bleeding eyes Partial paralysis Spasmodic Torticollis (involuntary spasms in neck) Unsteady gait Skin problems and lesions Obesity Genetic damage and birth defects

Recent studies conducted at Princeton University showed that artificial sweeteners, e.g., NutraSweet present in many diet soft drinks, are considerably sweeter than natural sugars, making your body crave sugar more due to absence of the natural sugar. But being sweeter is not just the only harm of the artificial sweeteners.

Splenda sweetener, used in a few highly sold popular soft drinks is the trade name for sucralose - a synthetic compound containing aspartame. British scientists discovered it accidentally when seeking a new pesticide formula in 1976. It is true that Splenda molecule consists of sucrose (sugar), except that three of the hydroxyl groups in the molecule being replaced by three chlorine atoms. Independent researchers insist that Splenda has more in common with pesticides. That's because the bonds, holding the carbon and chlorine atoms together, are rather of a chlorocarbon property than a salt, and so most pesticides are chlorocarbons.

Once it gets to the gut, sucralose (Splenda) goes largely unrecognized in the body as food. That is why it has no calories. Many people do not absorb a significant amount of Splenda in their small intestine. The paradox is that your body tries to clear unrecognizable substances by digesting them so, it's most likely, the healthier your gastrointestinal system is, the more you absorb the chlorinated molecules of Splenda that might work as an endocrine disruptor. The manufacturer's own short-term studies showed that sucralose caused shrunken thymus glands and enlarged livers and kidneys in rodents. Observational evidence showed side effects of Splenda, including skin rashes/flushing, panic-like agitation, dizziness and numbness, diarrhea, muscle aches, headaches, intestinal cramping, bladder issues, and stomach pain.

A Duke University study, commissioned and funded by a sugar-industry lobbying group, found that doses of Splenda of between 100 and 1000 mg/kg, which contained sucralose at 1.1 to 11 mg/kg (when the FDA's Acceptable Daily Intake is 5 mg/kg), reduced the amount of good bacteria in the intestines of rats by up to 50%, thus, contributing to increases in body weight. The recent findings also agree that composition of intestinal bacteria plays a major role in body-weight regulation. Splenda increased the pH level in the intestines, caused histopathological changes in the colon. It also decreased total anaerobes and bifidobacteria (good bacteria), thereby increasing the expression of the intestinal chemical transporter P-glycoprotein (P-gp) and two CYP450 isozymes (CYP3A4 and CYP2D1) at levels associated with reduced bioavailability of drugs and nutrients.

High Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS) is used in regular sodas, in cookies, candy bars, and all baked products in preference to sugar. It is associated with poor development of collagen in growing animals, especially in the context of copper deficiency. High-fructose corn syrup derived from cheap corn is more economical because the domestic U.S. and Canadian prices of sugar are twice the global price, and the price of corn is kept low through government subsidies paid to the corn growers. Soft-drink makers giant companies use sugar in their drinks for consumption in other nations/countries, which refuse buying the HFCS-contained version. In U.S., however, the soft-drink companies switched to corn syrup since 1984.

High-fructose corn syrup is produced by milling corn to produce corn starch and later processing starch to yield corn syrup that is almost entirely glucose. Then by adding enzymes to it they change most of the glucose into fructose. Since fructose must be metabolized by the liver, animals (including humans) on high-fructose diets develop liver problems similar to those of alcoholics. Critics of HFCS say it is a "toxic chemical concoction" contributing to weight gain by affecting normal appetite functions. Genetically modified (GM) corn, which is not the corn farmers used to grow some 40 years ago, makes up one of the largest portions of all genetically engineered crops - about 80% in the US. When a label on a product you buy does not contain word "organic", that means the corn syrup, most likely, is made from the GM corn.

Caramel Color in soft drinks (code E150a, E150b, E150c, E150d) can be produced from the genetically modified corn, thus, containing the genetically modified material not detectable by a polymerase chain-reaction. Many carbohydrates that are not derived from genetically modified organisms (GMOs) can also be used to develop a non-GM caramel color.

Phosphoric acid, used in cola and many soft drinks to acidify their taste and to create tingling sensations, is associated with calcium loss, thus, lowering bone density in epidemiological studies. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition published a study, which using dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DEXA) provided a sound evidence that drinking cola lowers bone density. A total of 1672 women and 1148 men were studied between 1996 and 2001. Using a food frequency questionnaire including the number of servings of cola and other carbonated beverages in diet, and differentiating between regular, caffeine-free, and diet drinks, the study developed significant statistics showing that women who consume cola daily have lower bone density. Although, total phosphorus intake was not significantly higher in daily cola consumers vs. non-consumers, the calcium-to-phosphorus ratios were lower.

Caffeine in popular soft drinks (69 mg in a 12-oz. Diet Max can) is a possible contributor to low bone-density due to the known effect of caffeine on calciuria (loss of calcium with urine). Consumption of caffeine containing soft drinks is associated with chronic kidney disease and kidney stones in a medical research. The preliminary results suggest that caffeinated soft-drinks consumption may increase the risk of chronic kidney disease. Studies have shown that regular soft-drink users have a lower intake of calcium, magnesium, ascorbic acid, riboflavin, and vitamin A. The caffeinated soft drinks are also criticized for causing physical dependence. Caffeine stimulates the adrenal gland without providing nourishment, which can lead to adrenal exhaustion, especially, in children.

Caffeine and its metabolites (paraxanthine, theobromine, and theophylline) are easily transferred across the placenta, with embryonic concentrations being just slightly lower than maternal levels. However, the amount of caffeine that may seem mild to the mother, could be much more significant for the embryo. It affects the embryo growth and heart development. Overall, an observation of a study has shown that exposure via dam of placenta to a single dose of caffeine, which results in circulating levels equivalent to 2 cups of coffee consumption in a human, can induce both acute effects on the embryo and long-term effects in adulthood. Recent data suggest that caffeine exposure during early pregnancy is associated with an increased miscarriage rate.

Benzene, categorized as a known human carcinogen by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, is associated with soft drinks. Although, not being added to the drinks directly, the compound benzene is formed by a reaction of two preservatives in soft drinks −ascorbic acid (vitamin C) and sodium or potassium benzoate in the presence of light and/or heat. Chronic exposure to benzene is associated with leukemia, aplastic anemia and other blood diseases. Children may, especially, be sensitive to benzene because their bone-marrow cells are highly active. Scientists at the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and others have found that some soft drinks sold in the U.S. contain concentrations of benzene above the U.S. legal limit for drinking water. Therefore, scientists urge you and local school officials to cease the sale and marketing of certain soft drinks in public schools until they are shown to be safe and free of the toxic substance benzene.

Following is a list of soft drinks that contain both ascorbic acid and sodium or potassium benzoate (thus, potentially, benzene):

Wild Cherry, Fanta Orange, Diet Pepsi, Hawaiian Punch, Mug Root Beer, Pepsi Vanilla, Sierra Mist, Sunkist, and Tropicana Lemonade, and others.

On February 15th, Beverage Daily reported that recent tests had shown that some soft drinks contain benzene at levels "above the legal limit for water set by the US and Europe." According to Beverage Daily, independent tests at a laboratory in New York have found benzene levels in a couple of soft drinks containing two-and-a-half and five times the limit for drinking water set up by World Health Organization, which is more permissive than is the U.S. standard. On March 4th, the Times of London reported that just 100 of the 230 soft drinks tested for benzene met the standard for British water, "with some containing up to eight times the legal limit."

Sodium benzoate, besides of its contribution to the benzene formation in soft drinks, was found to break down mitochondrial DNA in living yeast cells. Research published for the British government's Food Standards Agency in 2007 suggested that sodium benzoate (E211) is linked to hyperactive behavior and decreased intelligence in children.

If after reading this article you stop drinking soft drinks, your health will improve significantly, your body weight will drop significantly, and your mind will become much sharper.

More information is at

Why Drinking Sodas Interferes With Health and Increases Your Body Fat?

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Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Super Seed Fiber Drink

Simple video of a supplement that I take that adds additional fiber and probiotic to my diet daily. It's made from several different sprouted seeds. Sprouting seeds prior to ingesting helps to eliminate the phytic acid and other anti-nutrients.

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Saturday, November 26, 2011

Tips For Relieving Constipation

!±8± Tips For Relieving Constipation

The need for relieving constipation is based on two very important reasons:

You need to relieve constipation because if you don't your body gets toxic. You need to do it because not relieving constipation worsens the constipation. Remember, Prevention is the key here.

drink plenty of water (good quality water: filtered with mineral content, artesian or at least spring water) regular exercise is very crucial in preventing constipation. Regular body movements equal regular bowel movements. Also, Yoga and acupuncture are great for preventing constipation. try to get healthy fiber, vegetables and fruits in your diet. If prevention did not work or you simply can't wait and you are ready for a faster way of relieving constipation:

Place some prunes in a cup. Boil water and let it cool to lukewarm temperature. Then pour the water over the prunes until fully covered with water. Don't forget to cover the cup with a plate. Let it stand over-night and drink the liquid in the morning. The liquid will still be effective and much less irritating than eating prunes. But start with a small amount and see how much you would need for a full effect. Some patients were very successful in relieving constipation by drinking a full glass of water first thing in the morning followed by a tablespoonful of extra-virgin olive oil 15 minutes later. Follow with your breakfast about 20 minutes later with some hot tea. Some organic or health food stores have prunes with senna spreads that can be very effective in relieving constipation. But even though senna is a very natural leaf, it is like any other laxative in a sense that it can cause dependence. You can use it occasionally, but don't make it your go-to medication for relieving constipation. It's not meant for chronic use. Try natural bulk laxative (insoluble fiber) like a great quality psyllium containing product. Lots of patients told me that they already tried Metamucil and it did not really work... But the common mistake in taking these products was not drinking enough water with them. It's possible to get the opposite effect from a bulk laxative if you don't drink enough water with it. Metamucil and other over the counter bulk laxatives are full of artificial ingredients, colors and flavors. It's probably OK to use temporarily but I would definitely start with a natural or organic brand of psyllium. You can find this product in many organic and health food stores. Drink plenty of water with it! It takes some time to work, especially if you are very constipated. Continuous use of psyllium makes you regular and cleaner inside. -I am not a fan of mineral oil in any way. It can cause aspiration pneumonia upon accidental inhalation. That's why it is especially dangerous for small children

-Digestive enzymes are especially important for patients with digestive disorders. They help break down hard to digest proteins and carbohydrates. They won't be effective for immediate relief but they will help digest food better and promote a healthy bowel movement. Look for good quality digestive enzymes. It makes a difference.

-Good quality probiotics play a big role in gastro-intestinal health. They maintain the balance of the flora in the GI tract which will keep you regular. But keep in mind that this is not a fast acting approach to becoming regular.

Over the counter products:

Colace is the first recommended step in relieving constipation. It's a stool softener. It may cause some cramping. It's moderately effective for chronic constipation.

-Glycerin suppositories and Milk Of Magnesia are effective for relieving constipation fast. But remember they are laxatives and left only for last resort.

-Enemas are very effective in relieving constipation. The classic and effective brand of Fleet with saline solution is mostly recommended by pharmacists. Remember, this is only for occasional relief of constipation.

-As a last resort, there's an over the counter product called Dulcolax (bisacodyl). It's a laxative that works as an irritant in relieving constipation. It irritates the colon and forces it to empty out the bowel contents. Bisacodyl can cause discomfort, bloating and cramping but it is effective and definitely not recommended as a first line agent. Please, make sure you do everything possible before taking bisacodyl or senna for chronic use.

I wish you well!

Tips For Relieving Constipation

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Saturday, November 19, 2011

Wild edibles: Plantain, accumulate your eyes to the ground

Plantago is a genus of about 200 species of small, inconspicuous plants commonly called plantains. They share this name with the very dissimilar plantain, a kind of banana. Most are herbaceous plants, though a few are subshrubs growing to 60 cm (23.5 in) tall. The leaves are sessile, but have a narrow part near the stem which is a pseudo-petiole. They have three or five parallel veins that diverge in the wider part of the leaf. Leaves are broad or narrow, depending on the species. The inflorescences are borne on stalks typically 5--40 cm (2.25-15.75 in) tall, and can be a short cone or a long spike, with numerous tiny wind-pollinated flowers. Plantains are used as food plants by the larvae of some species of Lepidoptera (butterfly and moth) - see list of Lepidoptera that feed on plantains. They are found all over the world, including America, Asia, Australia, New Zealand, Africa and Europe. Many species in the genus are cosmopolitan weeds. They are found in many different habitats, most commonly in wet areas like seepages or bogs. They can also be found in alpine and semi-alpine or coastal areas. The cosmopolitan weeds can be frequently seen at the side of roads. Plantago species have been used since prehistoric times as herbal remedies. The herb is astringent, anti-toxic, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, anti-histamine, as well as demulcent, expectorant, styptic and diuretic. Externally, a poultice of the leaves is useful for insect bites, poison-ivy rashes, minor sores ...

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Saturday, November 12, 2011

The Pregnant Wife Diary: Week 24 & 6days

Actually today i am 25weeks but wasnt able to upload yesterday and after a camera dilemma that i fixed. I would have uploaded it sooner but i didn't feel well at all this week. FINALLY i get the courage to show my belly, was not fond about doing so in the past but I did now. MEDICATION LIST FOR OBSTETRICAL PATIENTS VITAMINS 1) Prenatal Vitamins containing at least 1MG of Folic Acid. If Multiple gestation or history of Spina Bifida- then increase to 2MG of Folic Acid per day. 2) DHA supplement (recommended but not required) NAUSEA/VOMITING 1)Vitamin B6- up to 3 times a day 2)Ginger tea 3)Peppermint Candy 4)Unisom- 1 tablet per day 5) Sea bands 6)Ginger gum 7) Brat diet- Bananas, rice, applesauce, and toast. PAIN- Tylenol (regular strength, 2 tablets every 4-6 hours. DO NOT USE- Asprin, Ibuprofen, Motrin, or Aleve CALL DOCTOR IF NO IMPROVEMENTS IN 36 hours. COLD/FLU 1)Robitussin plain for cough 2)Robitussin DM for a non productive cough 3)Sudafed (regular) 4)Throat lozenges 5)Throat Spray 6)Saline nasal spray ALLERGY/SINUS 1)Sudafed 2)Claritin, Allergy, Zrytec- ALL WITHOUT "D" 3)Benadryl pills or cream- AFTER THE 1st TRIMESTER 4)Saline nasal spray 5)Calamine lotion or caladryl HEARTBURN- Tums, Mylanta, Maalox, Rolaids, Gas X, or Zantac (DO NOT USE PEPTO BISMAL) CONSTIPATION 1)Colace 2)Metamucil 3)Milk of magnesia 4)Fiber con 5)Fiberall 6)Increase fruits and vegetables 7) increase exercise, if able DIARRHEA 1) Kaopectate- 1-2 TBSP. 6 dose MAX in 24 hours 2)Imodium- label ...

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Monday, October 24, 2011

Fiber Supplements - Different Types Of Fiber

!±8± Fiber Supplements - Different Types Of Fiber

Fiber supplements are generally recommended when a person is unable to get enough fiber in his or her diet. It can also be recommended in the case when someone is suffering from some chronic intestinal clause like 'irritable bowel syndrome' or IBS. This is also known as Crohn's disease. Although it is always advisable to add adequate quantity of fiber in someone's diet still fiber supplements are sometimes become essential. A fiber supplements should be selected after considering some points such as if the supplements suits the person or not. The supplement should be taken in a small dose as preliminary stage. After taking it if the person is suffering from IBS or is giving bad gas the supplement should be changed. An ordinary person has to take twenty-five to thirty grams of fiber per day, which is recommended by many famous dietetic associations.

Different types of fiber

There are different types of fibers, which are used to prepare the fiber supplements by many of the leading brands in the market. One of the most common is psyllium. This kind of fiber is a soluble plant fiber that is present in the Metamucil and also Konsyl. To get relieve from constipation, this type of fiber is commonly used. It also gives relieve from the general bowels problems. The user should always choose the supplements only after seeing the effects. Another brand is methylcellulose, guar gum or calcium polycarbophil. Acacia fiber is another one which his also popular in the market. But the important thing is that the individual should decide what is best for him.

All of the above mentioned fiber supplements are water-soluble. They absorb water and as a result form a gel when it is mixed with any kind of liquid. These supplements are every useful and help to swallow the food smoothly. Soluble fibers are now a days widely used in comparison with the insoluble fibers as because soluble fibers helps in easing IBS indications. On the other hand insoluble fiber supplements should also be taken as it provide good health.

Some of the brands make different flavour to present the supplement as more toothsome and also easy to drink. Sugar-free supplements should be avoided, as the ingredient, which is used in the place of sugar, may be sometime cause irritation to the bowel system. In the process of consuming fiber supplements there are some in the market present with chemical laxative. These products should be avoided, as prolonged use of these can cause harm to the total body system.

Fiber Supplements - Different Types Of Fiber

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